

Sinop will be transformed into a city of cultural and educational tourism

This year, Sinopale Forum will be gathering the actors from culture, civil society, government, business and academia to discuss on how to create synergies for transforming Sinop into a city of cultural and educational tourism.

Sinopale Forum, carried out every two years under the umbrella of Sinopale-International Sinop Biennial, will be held this time in two cities: The event begins 12-14 January 2016 in Salt Galata/Istanbul and continues 15-17 January 2016 in the Old Conservatory Building/Sinop. The title is “Culture and Creativity for Local Development”.

In the meeting, in which representatives of public, civil society, business, academia and international institutions will gather, to present the running projects and discuss on the further steps to be taken for the transformation of Sinop into a city of cultural and educational tourism. New cooperation possibilities will be negotiated to make this transformation possible.

Sinop is becoming a model city

Sinopale Forum, which is supported within the framework of an EU financed project implemented by Wehdorn Architekten commissioned by Turkey’s Ministry of Culture and Tourism titled “Common Cultural Heritage: Preservation and Dialogue between Turkey and EU Part I” is organized by European Cultural Association, Chameleon Design and Project Management, in cooperation with Sinop Sustainable Development Association, Governorship of Sinop, Municipality of Sinop, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University’s Research Center for Creative Industries and Street Belongs to Us Association and is hosted by Salt Galata.

In the first section of the forum, which will be held in Istanbul, existing policies and recent projects implemented for the urban development of Sinop will be examined; the roles of business and economy world in urban development will be questioned; best practices of community-based sustainable tourism and social and cultural entrepreneurship will be analyzed and discussed. In the continuation of the event in Sinop, the ways of civic participation into the development actions will be discussed and new cooperation possibilities will be searched.

For detailed information and program please visit the website:
Haber Atölyesi / T +90 216 545 0103

Sinopale, International Sinop Biennial is an international event that, in the context of local development, draws the civil society together with the purpose of building dialogue through culture and arts, within the framework of the “artistic production based on sharing” model. The project is realised biennially and aims at working at local, national and international levels in order to make citizens of all ages perceive anew their own living spaces with a vision for the future, reflect on urban problems, share the historical collective memory and organise it by means of artistic production, and to create a better social living space. Sinopale is a project of European Culture Association.

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