TUESDAY, 12 January 2016

“Policies and Actions”
Venue: SALT Galata, Conference Hall/İSTANBUL

12:30-13:00 Registration

Welcome Speeches
Mert Güvenen, European Cultural Association, President
Prof. T. Melih Görgün, European Cultural Association/Sinopale Artistic Director, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University
Vasıf Kortun, Director of Research and Programs, SALT
Univ. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Manfred Wehdorn, Wehdorn Architects
Prof. Dr. Fatma Ünsal, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University

13:30-15:00 Development Perspectives
What are the existing governmental and municipal development policies? Which methods and tools can be used to transform Sinop to a city of “culture and education tourism”?

Moderator: Prof. T. Melih Görgün, European Cultural Association/Sinopale Artistic Director, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University

Dr. Yasemin Özata Çetinkaya, The Governor of Sinop
Baki Ergül, The Mayor of Sinop
Mustafa Bozdemir, Rupublic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Deputy General Manager of Cultural Heritage and Museums
Berkol Alevli, KUZKA-North Anatolia Development Agency, Investment Support Office Coordinator

Reflections / Questions
Prof. Dr. Aziz Konukman, Gazi University, Economist
Prof. Dr. Fatma Ünsal, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University

15:00-15:30 Coffee Break

15:30-17:00 Sinop in Progress
What are the actions taken in Sinop by different stakeholders? What are their potential influences on Sinop’s sustainable development? What can be done to improve their influence?

Moderator: D.I. Mahir Namur, European Cultural Association

Prof. Christoph Luchsinger, Urban Planner, Vienna University of Technology
Prof. Dr. Manfred Wehdorn, Wehdorn Architekten, Vienna
Prof. T. Melih Görgün, European Cultural Association/Sinopale Artistic Director, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University
Cansu Kırcan, Sinop Sustainable Development Association
Asst. Prof. Bahar Aksel Enşici, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University
Prof. Dr. Gülgün Köroğlu, Balatlar Archeological Site Manager

17:00-17:30 Reflections and Evaluation of the Day
Prof. Fatma Ünsal, Urban Planner, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University Prof.
Prof. Aziz Konukman, Gazi University, Economist
Seda Erden, European Union Delegation of the European Commission to Turkey
Hasan Onur, Sinop History and Cultural Researches Association

Reflections Q/A by participants

19:30 Film Screening
“Tarzan Kemal, The Story of a Citizen”Director: Yusuf Emre Yalçın, Kind:Documentary, Length:62′