“Local Economic Development Models and Best Practices”
Venue: SALT Galata, Workshop Hall II-III-IV/İSTANBUL
10:30-12:00 Can the concept of Creative City be applied to bottom up sustainable local development strategies? Which alternative economies can be born out of these?
Moderator: Yeşim Dizdaroğlu, General Manager/ÇEKÜL Foundation
Sacha Kagan, Leuphana University Lueneburg
Cristina da Milano, Culture Action Europe
Branca Neves, Lisbon Municipality
Alp Arısoy, Urban Studies Coordinator / ÇEKÜL Foundation
Reflections / Questions:
Rarita Zbranca, Cluj, European Capital of Culture
Assoc. Prof. Kevser Üstündağ, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University
Asst. Prof. Gökçe Dervişoğlu Okandan, Bilgi University
12:00-14:00 Lunch Break
14:00-15:30 Alternative tourism models for local development. Best practices of community based sustainable tourism.
Moderator: Asst. Prof. Alpay Tırıl, University of Sinop
Christopher Hinteregger, Kohl & Partners
Gökhan Menteş, Adviser, City and Regional Planner
Maurizio Davolio, European Alliance for Responsible Tourism and Hospitality EARTH
Ömer Faruk Boyacı, Small Hotels Association Of Turkey
Q/A, Reflections by
Hikmet Tosun, Sinop Sinop Cultural Heritage Site Management Advisory Committee, Sinop Culture and Tourism
Cemalettin Kaya, Sinop Cultural Heritage Site Management Coordination Committee, Ayışığı Hotel
Ali Yılmaz, Sinop Cultural Heritage Site Management Coordination Committee, Antik Hotel
Bedirhan Ayhan, Diyojen Hotel
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-17:30 Social and Cultural Entrepreneurship as tools for local development. Best practices.
Moderator: Asst. Prof. Gökçe Dervişoğlu Okandan, Bilgi University
Dr. Ioannis Nasioulas, University of the Aegean, European Commission’s Adviser in Social Economy
Bingül Sezen Alış, Merzifon Amesia Cooperative
Arzu Erturan, Street Belongs to Us Association
Şengül Akçar, Foundation for the Support of Women’s Work
Artur Nadrinicinii, Social Economy Institute
Semih Boyacı, Impact Hub Istanbul
Ayşe Sabuncu, Impact Hub Istanbul
17:45-19:00 Workshop I: How can business world contribute to the bottom up local development of a city?
Moderator: Lale Atat, European Cultural Association
Mert Güvenen, European Cultural Association, Management and Investment Consultant
Prof. T. Melih Görgün, Sinopale, MSGSÜ
Prof. Dr. Azmi Hamzaoğlu,İstanbul Founder of Soliosis and Spine Center, Department Chief of Florence Nightingale Hospital Orthopedics and Traumatology
Keynote Speakers:
Asst. Prof. Bahar Aksel Enşici, MSGSÜ, Creative Industries Research Center
İbrahim Betil, industrialist, Banker, Social Entrepreneur
Öznur Akkaya, Bolu Local Philantrophy Foundation, Secretary General
Füsun Eczacıbaşı, SAHA Association President
Reflections by invited businessmen
Ertuğrul Soner, Businessman
Ali Yılmaz, Antik Hotel Sinop
Levent Koca, Polen Securities
Ömer Şen, ÖZYMM
Mustafa Kıroğlu, Aktif Resort Inn
Kenan Aydın, Aktif Resort Inn
Volkan Işıkan, Broker
Hasene Kayıkçıoğlu, Kayıkçıoğlu Ticaret
Yavuz Parlar, SAHA Association
Burak Başkan, Karainci Cafe
Asst. Prof. Nurdan Tümbek Tekeoğlu, Business Development Consultant
Aykut Yılmazer, Yılmazer Furniture, SİNGİYAD, Sinop Diogenes Rotary Club
Ahmet Çobanoğlu, Vira Otel, Sinop Diogenes Rotary Club
Ayhan Ergenç, Ergrup
Davut Doğan, Doğtaş
Bayram Akgül, Salcano Bicycle
Merve Çağlar, SAHA Association
Adil Yıldız, Mim Medya