
Welcome to Sinopale Forum Webpage!

Sinopale Forum “Culture and Creativity as Catalyzers for Local Development” offers a communication platform for the public, private and civil society actors as well as academia and international experts to elaborate the results to be achieved from the ongoing actions and discuss on public-private-civil society-academia partnership possibilites to create sustainable structures serving to a civil society driven, culture based sustainable urban development of Sinop.

Sinopale Forum 2016 will take place in Istanbul (Salt Galata, 12-14 January 2016) and in Sinop (Aşıklar Düğün Salonu, 15-17 January 2016), in order to engage a wider group of stakeholders.


Istanbul Forum program is made of three parts: 1. Day: Policies and Actions, 2. Day: Creative Economy Models and 3. Day Practices and Spatial Actions for Urban Development. Sinop Forum will rather focus on the future actions to be taken by the local civil society after a summary of Istanbul forum’s results.

For detailed information please visit: background, concept and program istanbul and program sinop pages. The participation requires online registration.

There will be Turkish-English simultaneous translation of the sessions where not indicated otherwise.


Although the event naturally focusses on the city of Sinop, it is intended to create outputs relevant at national and European level.